April 21-26, 2022

Iceland is a different version of paradise.” – Unknown

Iceland is a captivating country known for its breathtaking landscapes, unique geological features, and vibrant culture. Iceland has Stunning Landscapes, Geothermal Wonders, Glaciers and Ice Caves, Northern Lights, Dynamic Waterfalls, Rich Viking History, Outdoor Adventures, Unique Wildlife, and best of all warm and welcoming culture.  Whether you’re seeking natural wonders, adventure, or cultural experiences, Iceland offers an unforgettable journey into a land unparalleled. 

We went to Iceland in April and one of the highlights of visiting Iceland in April is witnessing the arrival of spring. The landscape starts to come alive with vibrant colors as the snow melts and flowers begin to bloom. You can expect to see fields covered in yellow and purple lupines, along with other wildflowers.  Additionally, April is a good time for soaking in geothermal pools and hot springs. You can relax in popular spots like the Blue Lagoon or seek out lesser-known natural hot springs scattered throughout the country. Overall, visiting Iceland in April offers a unique experience with the arrival of spring, fewer crowds, and the opportunity to witness the country’s natural beauty as it transitions from winter to summer. Just be prepared for varying weather conditions and plan your activities accordingly.

For our trip we choose to rent a car and lodge in Reykjavik and explore outward from there each day.  I feel a rental car is necessary in Iceland due to so many different places to travel to and adventure on your own.  We picked a perfect Airbnb to rent right in town.  It was spacious, clean, and centrally located near everything in town. Which made it easy to walk to so many places in the nearby area.  One day we did a walking food tour, which covered a good portion of the Reykjavik area and to my surprise the food in Iceland was one of my favorite parts.  They honestly have some of the most amazing food I have ever experienced.  We tried some pretty interesting items like artic char, whale and puffin.  The only thing that was terrible is the fermented Greenland shark. It’s a traditional dish in Iceland known as “hákarl.” Lets just say its an acquired taste!

Top Recommendations

Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur – Iceland Hot Dogs – An absolute MUST try! I dont even like hot dogs and I ate here twice, they were so good.

Apotek Restaurant – Lovely spot for dinner, a bit higher end. But the food was phenomenal and so was the service.

Jungle Cocktail Bar – Fun spot upstairs, delicious cocktails with creative themes. 

Sæta Svínið Gastropub – Lively spot with some of the best food and drinks! 

Pablo Discobar – Who doesn’t love a Disco?!? This place was so much fun we danced the night away even if it was still light outside.

Sushi Social – Trendy restaurant with quirky decor, serving Japanese & South American sushi & grills.

Our first day was pure perfection.  After a long flight, we grabbed lunch at this charming little spot and then we then headed over to Sky Lagoon.  We went to this particular lagoon because at the time Blue Lagoon was closed for maintenance and repairs.  Honestly, I think this was the biggest blessing in disguise.  Sky Lagoon is a modern and luxurious geothermal spa that offers visitors a one-of-a-kind experience. It is situated on the coast, providing stunning panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, the surrounding mountains, and the cityscape of Reykjavik.  It was magical really and if we had more time we would have gone back again during our trip!

The Icelandic community is small and strong in culture and heritage.  They stem from the area of the Viking and so there some incredible history there and sense of community.  Iceland ranks one the safest countries in the world and one of the lowest crime ratings.  Some cool spots to see and visit while in Reykjavik are Hallgrímskirkja, the Lutheran (Church of Iceland) parish and Perlan, the nature museum unlike any other.  Both are incredible examples of spectacular architecture and they both have breath taking views of the surrounding area. 

You also have got to check out some of the natural hot springs. Iceland is famous for its abundance of hot springs, which are natural geothermal pools heated by the Earth’s volcanic activity.  We went to the Reykjadalur Hot Spring Thermal River.  You hike through picturesque landscapes to reach the hot springs, where they can relax and enjoy the warm waters while taking in the beautiful scenery.  The hike is 6 km long round trip and will take about 45-60 minutes one way.

Another super cool thing we did while we were there was swam between the tectonic plates.  This is a unique and exhilarating experience that allows you to literally swim in the gap between two continents, an experience you wont find anywhere else in the world.

The crystal-clear glacial water that fills the fissure comes from Langjökull, Iceland’s second-largest glacier, and has been filtered through volcanic rocks for decades, resulting in incredibly clear visibility.  The visibility can reach up to 100 meters (328 feet), allowing you to see the rock formations, vibrant algae, and even touch both continents simultaneously.   We did this with a package deal to go horseback riding also.  Here is the link.  Reykjavik: Silfra Snorkel Tour and Horse Ride with photos.

Did you know Iceland has their own breed of horses? And let me tell you these guys are so dang cute!  The Icelandic horse is a unique and beloved breed that has been a part of Icelandic culture for centuries. These horses are known for their small stature, sturdy build, thick double coat, and distinctive gaits.  They are friendly and have a gentle nature, making them suitable for riders of all ages and experience levels. They have a sure-footedness that allows them to navigate challenging terrains, including volcanic landscapes and mountainous regions.  Horseback riding in Iceland provides a unique way to experience the country’s natural beauty, connect with its rich equestrian heritage, and create unforgettable memories. FUN FACT: If a horse leaves Iceland it can not return, due to strict regulations to maintain the health and purity of the Icelandic horse breed.

These are just the highlights of our trip. There is so much more to do in Iceland, we tried to fit in as much as possible and we still could have stayed more days and explored even further.  From the falls, to the black sand beaches, to taking a sea tour to find Atlantic Puffin. Plus more hot springs and secret lagoons.  And when conditions are right and skies are clear if you are there in the right time of year (September to April) you might get to witness the mesmerizing Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis). 

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